Class Summary |
AccessNode |
This class is the base for all Nodes that contain modifiers ("public", "native", etc.). |
ASTActualTypeArgument |
Stores an Actual Type Parameter (new to JDK 1.5). |
ASTAdditiveExpression |
Stores an additive expression consiting of a list of MultiplicativeExpression (contained in the children) separated by
operators ("+" "-") contained in the list of names. |
ASTAllocationExpression |
Holds an expression where a new object is allocated. |
ASTAndExpression |
Holds an expression held together by & binary operator. |
ASTAnnotation |
Description of the Class |
ASTAnnotationMethodDeclaration |
Description of the Class |
ASTAnnotationTypeDeclaration |
Description of the Class |
ASTAnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration |
Description of the Class |
ASTArgumentList |
Description of the Class |
ASTArguments |
Holds the argument list that contains the specific arguments of a method invocation. |
ASTArrayDimsAndInits |
Holds the array dimensions and the initialization for the array. |
ASTArrayInitializer |
Holds the array initializer |
ASTAssertionStatement |
Allows assertions to be thrown. |
ASTAssignmentOperator |
This node contains some type of assignment operator for instance = or +=. |
ASTBlock |
Contains a block ("{" ... |
ASTBlockStatement |
Blocks are made up of BlockStatements. |
ASTBooleanLiteral |
Holds either "true" or "false" |
ASTBreakStatement |
Contains a break statement. |
ASTCastExpression |
Casts an object or a primitive type to a different object or primitive type. |
ASTClassBody |
Stores the class body. |
ASTClassBodyDeclaration |
Each class body is made up of a number of class body declarations. |
ASTClassDeclaration |
Holds a class declaration. |
ASTClassOrInterfaceType |
Description of the Class |
ASTCompilationUnit |
Top level unit for compilation which is able to sort the import statements. |
ASTConditionalAndExpression |
Expression made from the && operator |
ASTConditionalExpression |
Expression built from ? and : to do a small if then else operation inside an expression. |
ASTConditionalOrExpression |
Conditional operation that works with boolean values created with the "||" operator. |
ASTConstantDeclaration |
Description of the Class |
ASTConstructorDeclaration |
Description of the Class |
ASTContinueStatement |
Stores a continue statement. |
ASTDoStatement |
Stores a do { ... |
ASTEmptyStatement |
Stores an empty statement. |
ASTEnumDeclaration |
Stores an enum declaration. |
ASTEnumElement |
This holds an element of an enumeration. |
ASTEqualityExpression |
Expression that contains == or !=. |
ASTExclusiveOrExpression |
Expression of integer values which is combined with the ^ (xor) operator. |
ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation |
Holds an invocation of super() or this() in a constructor. |
ASTExpression |
This is the base structure for an expression. |
ASTFieldDeclaration |
Holds a field declaration. |
ASTForInit |
Stores the initialization expression of the for statement |
ASTFormalParameter |
Stores an individual formal parameter in a method declaration |
ASTFormalParameters |
Stores a list of formal parameters |
ASTForStatement |
Stores a for statement |
ASTForUpdate |
Stores the update expression for a for statement |
ASTGenericDeclaration |
A node representing a Generic Declaration. |
ASTGenericDeclarationPart |
A part of a generic declaration. |
ASTGenericNameList |
Contains a list of ClassOrInterfaceType as its children. |
ASTIdentifier |
This node holds an identifier. |
ASTIfStatement |
Stores an if statement. |
ASTImportDeclaration |
Stores an import declaration that appears at the beginning of a java file. |
ASTInclusiveOrExpression |
Stores a binary operation that performs a bitwise or expressed with the | operator. |
ASTInitializer |
Stores a static or dynamic initializer that is contained within the class. |
ASTInstanceOfExpression |
Contains an expression with instanceof operator |
ASTInterfaceBody |
Contains the body of the interface. |
ASTInterfaceDeclaration |
Holds an interface declaration. |
ASTInterfaceMemberDeclaration |
Structures that can be contained within the interface's body |
ASTLabeledStatement |
A statement that has been labeled. |
ASTLiteral |
Contains a constant or literal value in the code. |
ASTLocalVariableDeclaration |
Declares a local variable in a method |
ASTMemberValue |
Description of the Class |
ASTMemberValueArrayInitializer |
Description of the Class |
ASTMemberValuePair |
Description of the Class |
ASTMemberValuePairs |
Description of the Class |
ASTMethodDeclaration |
Holds a method declaration in a class |
ASTMethodDeclarator |
Constains the name and the parameters associated with this method |
ASTMultiplicativeExpression |
Expression consisting of a list of UnaryExpression (contained in the children) separated by
operators ("*", "/" or "%") contained in the list of names. |
ASTName |
Stores a name. |
ASTNameList |
Contains a list of names contained in the children, for instance for the interfaces that a class implements. |
ASTNestedClassDeclaration |
Holds a nested class declaration |
ASTNestedInterfaceDeclaration |
Holds a nested interface |
ASTNullLiteral |
Holds the literal "null" |
ASTPackageDeclaration |
Holds the package declaration at the beginning of the java file |
ASTPostfixExpression |
Operator tacked on to the end of the expression |
ASTPreDecrementExpression |
Expression to decrement a value before inserting it's value into the expression. |
ASTPreIncrementExpression |
Expression to increment a value before inserting it into the expression |
ASTPrimaryExpression |
The primary expression that actually contains the variables or methods involved in the expression. |
ASTPrimaryPrefix |
The prefix expression. |
ASTPrimarySuffix |
The primary suffix of the expression |
ASTPrimitiveType |
Contains a primitive type such as "int" or "boolean" |
ASTReferenceType |
Description of the Class |
ASTReferenceTypeList |
Description of the Class |
ASTRelationalExpression |
Contains a set of inequality relationships |
ASTResultType |
Contains void, a primitive type, or a named type and can be used as a return value from a method. |
ASTReturnStatement |
A statement that returns a value from the method |
ASTShiftExpression |
Performs bitwise shift operations |
ASTStatement |
Place holder for a statement |
ASTStatementExpression |
A statement that is also an expression |
ASTStatementExpressionList |
Series of statements |
ASTSwitchLabel |
Switch label |
ASTSwitchStatement |
The switch statement |
ASTSynchronizedStatement |
Statement that uses the synchronized keyword to perform mutual exclusion |
ASTThrowStatement |
Statement that throws an exception |
ASTTryStatement |
Statement that catches exceptions |
ASTType |
Declares a type |
ASTTypeArguments |
Type Arguments. |
ASTTypeDeclaration |
Declares a new type |
ASTTypeParameter |
A Type Parameter. |
ASTTypeParameterList |
A list of Type Parameters which are contained in this nodes children. |
ASTTypeParameters |
Contains a TypeParameterList as its only child. |
ASTUnaryExpression |
Declares an expression that takes only one argument. |
ASTUnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus |
An expression that takes only a single argument that is not + or minus. |
ASTUnmodifiedClassDeclaration |
Contains the class declaration without any modifiers |
ASTUnmodifiedInterfaceDeclaration |
Contains an unmodified interface |
ASTVariableDeclarator |
Declares a variable |
ASTVariableDeclaratorId |
Declares a variable. |
ASTVariableInitializer |
Initializes the variable |
ASTWhileStatement |
Contains a while statement |
BufferParserFactory |
Generates new parsers for a java file |
BuildExpression |
This object builds an expression. |
CharStream |
Basic character stream. |
ChildrenVisitor |
Scan through the abstract syntax tree and does nothing |
FileParserFactory |
Generates new parsers for a java file |
InputStreamParserFactory |
Generates new parsers for a java file |
JavaCharStream |
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
contain only ASCII characters (with java-like unicode escape processing). |
JavaParser |
JavaParserTokenManager |
JavaParserVisitorAdapter |
Scan through the abstract syntax tree and does nothing |
ModifierAdapter |
Description of the Class |
NamedNode |
Declares node with a name. |
NamedToken |
Description of the Class |
NameFactory |
Creates Name objects from strings |
ParserFactory |
Generates new parsers for a java file |
SimpleCharStream |
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing). |
SimpleNode |
This object is the base class for all items in the AST (abstract syntax tree). |
StdInParserFactory |
Generates new parsers for standard input |
Token |
Describes the input token stream. |