Package com.jeffpalm.javaparser

Interface Summary
ExceptionPrinter Prints exceptions
ModifierHolder Holds a description of the modifiers for a field or a class
Node All AST nodes must implement this interface.
Scope Provides methods which all scopes must implement.

Class Summary
AccessNode This class is the base for all Nodes that contain modifiers ("public", "native", etc.).
ASTActualTypeArgument Stores an Actual Type Parameter (new to JDK 1.5).
ASTAdditiveExpression Stores an additive expression consiting of a list of MultiplicativeExpression (contained in the children) separated by operators ("+" "-") contained in the list of names.
ASTAllocationExpression Holds an expression where a new object is allocated.
ASTAndExpression Holds an expression held together by & binary operator.
ASTAnnotation Description of the Class
ASTAnnotationMethodDeclaration Description of the Class
ASTAnnotationTypeDeclaration Description of the Class
ASTAnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration Description of the Class
ASTArgumentList Description of the Class
ASTArguments Holds the argument list that contains the specific arguments of a method invocation.
ASTArrayDimsAndInits Holds the array dimensions and the initialization for the array.
ASTArrayInitializer Holds the array initializer
ASTAssertionStatement Allows assertions to be thrown.
ASTAssignmentOperator This node contains some type of assignment operator for instance = or +=.
ASTBlock Contains a block ("{" ...
ASTBlockStatement Blocks are made up of BlockStatements.
ASTBooleanLiteral Holds either "true" or "false"
ASTBreakStatement Contains a break statement.
ASTCastExpression Casts an object or a primitive type to a different object or primitive type.
ASTClassBody Stores the class body.
ASTClassBodyDeclaration Each class body is made up of a number of class body declarations.
ASTClassDeclaration Holds a class declaration.
ASTClassOrInterfaceType Description of the Class
ASTCompilationUnit Top level unit for compilation which is able to sort the import statements.
ASTConditionalAndExpression Expression made from the && operator
ASTConditionalExpression Expression built from ? and : to do a small if then else operation inside an expression.
ASTConditionalOrExpression Conditional operation that works with boolean values created with the "||" operator.
ASTConstantDeclaration Description of the Class
ASTConstructorDeclaration Description of the Class
ASTContinueStatement Stores a continue statement.
ASTDoStatement Stores a do { ...
ASTEmptyStatement Stores an empty statement.
ASTEnumDeclaration Stores an enum declaration.
ASTEnumElement This holds an element of an enumeration.
ASTEqualityExpression Expression that contains == or !=.
ASTExclusiveOrExpression Expression of integer values which is combined with the ^ (xor) operator.
ASTExplicitConstructorInvocation Holds an invocation of super() or this() in a constructor.
ASTExpression This is the base structure for an expression.
ASTFieldDeclaration Holds a field declaration.
ASTForInit Stores the initialization expression of the for statement
ASTFormalParameter Stores an individual formal parameter in a method declaration
ASTFormalParameters Stores a list of formal parameters
ASTForStatement Stores a for statement
ASTForUpdate Stores the update expression for a for statement
ASTGenericDeclaration A node representing a Generic Declaration.
ASTGenericDeclarationPart A part of a generic declaration.
ASTGenericNameList Contains a list of ClassOrInterfaceType as its children.
ASTIdentifier This node holds an identifier.
ASTIfStatement Stores an if statement.
ASTImportDeclaration Stores an import declaration that appears at the beginning of a java file.
ASTInclusiveOrExpression Stores a binary operation that performs a bitwise or expressed with the | operator.
ASTInitializer Stores a static or dynamic initializer that is contained within the class.
ASTInstanceOfExpression Contains an expression with instanceof operator
ASTInterfaceBody Contains the body of the interface.
ASTInterfaceDeclaration Holds an interface declaration.
ASTInterfaceMemberDeclaration Structures that can be contained within the interface's body
ASTLabeledStatement A statement that has been labeled.
ASTLiteral Contains a constant or literal value in the code.
ASTLocalVariableDeclaration Declares a local variable in a method
ASTMemberValue Description of the Class
ASTMemberValueArrayInitializer Description of the Class
ASTMemberValuePair Description of the Class
ASTMemberValuePairs Description of the Class
ASTMethodDeclaration Holds a method declaration in a class
ASTMethodDeclarator Constains the name and the parameters associated with this method
ASTMultiplicativeExpression Expression consisting of a list of UnaryExpression (contained in the children) separated by operators ("*", "/" or "%") contained in the list of names.
ASTName Stores a name.
ASTNameList Contains a list of names contained in the children, for instance for the interfaces that a class implements.
ASTNestedClassDeclaration Holds a nested class declaration
ASTNestedInterfaceDeclaration Holds a nested interface
ASTNullLiteral Holds the literal "null"
ASTPackageDeclaration Holds the package declaration at the beginning of the java file
ASTPostfixExpression Operator tacked on to the end of the expression
ASTPreDecrementExpression Expression to decrement a value before inserting it's value into the expression.
ASTPreIncrementExpression Expression to increment a value before inserting it into the expression
ASTPrimaryExpression The primary expression that actually contains the variables or methods involved in the expression.
ASTPrimaryPrefix The prefix expression.
ASTPrimarySuffix The primary suffix of the expression
ASTPrimitiveType Contains a primitive type such as "int" or "boolean"
ASTReferenceType Description of the Class
ASTReferenceTypeList Description of the Class
ASTRelationalExpression Contains a set of inequality relationships
ASTResultType Contains void, a primitive type, or a named type and can be used as a return value from a method.
ASTReturnStatement A statement that returns a value from the method
ASTShiftExpression Performs bitwise shift operations
ASTStatement Place holder for a statement
ASTStatementExpression A statement that is also an expression
ASTStatementExpressionList Series of statements
ASTSwitchLabel Switch label
ASTSwitchStatement The switch statement
ASTSynchronizedStatement Statement that uses the synchronized keyword to perform mutual exclusion
ASTThrowStatement Statement that throws an exception
ASTTryStatement Statement that catches exceptions
ASTType Declares a type
ASTTypeArguments Type Arguments.
ASTTypeDeclaration Declares a new type
ASTTypeParameter A Type Parameter.
ASTTypeParameterList A list of Type Parameters which are contained in this nodes children.
ASTTypeParameters Contains a TypeParameterList as its only child.
ASTUnaryExpression Declares an expression that takes only one argument.
ASTUnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus An expression that takes only a single argument that is not + or minus.
ASTUnmodifiedClassDeclaration Contains the class declaration without any modifiers
ASTUnmodifiedInterfaceDeclaration Contains an unmodified interface
ASTVariableDeclarator Declares a variable
ASTVariableDeclaratorId Declares a variable.
ASTVariableInitializer Initializes the variable
ASTWhileStatement Contains a while statement
BufferParserFactory Generates new parsers for a java file
BuildExpression This object builds an expression.
CharStream Basic character stream.
ChildrenVisitor Scan through the abstract syntax tree and does nothing
FileParserFactory Generates new parsers for a java file
InputStreamParserFactory Generates new parsers for a java file
JavaCharStream An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (with java-like unicode escape processing).
JavaParserVisitorAdapter Scan through the abstract syntax tree and does nothing
ModifierAdapter Description of the Class
NamedNode Declares node with a name.
NamedToken Description of the Class
NameFactory Creates Name objects from strings
ParserFactory Generates new parsers for a java file
SimpleCharStream An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleNode This object is the base class for all items in the AST (abstract syntax tree).
StdInParserFactory Generates new parsers for standard input
Token Describes the input token stream.

Exception Summary
ParseException This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.

Error Summary
TokenMgrError Description of the Class