Class Summary |
Aaconst_null |
Push null |
Aaload |
Load reference from array |
Aastore |
Store into reference array |
Aconst_null |
Push null |
Aload |
Load reference from local variable |
Aload_0 |
Load reference from local variable |
Aload_1 |
Load reference from local variable |
Aload_2 |
Load reference from local variable |
Aload_3 |
Load reference from local variable |
Anewarray |
Create new array of reference |
Areturn |
Return reference from method |
Arraylength |
Get length of array |
Astore |
Store reference into local variable |
Astore_0 |
Store reference into local variable |
Astore_1 |
Store reference into local variable |
Astore_2 |
Store reference into local variable |
Astore_3 |
Store reference into local variable |
Athrow |
Throw exception or error |
Baload |
Load byte or boolean from array |
Bastore |
Store into byte or boolean array |
Bipush |
Push byte |
Caload |
Load char from array |
Castore |
Store into char array |
Checkcast |
Check whether object is of given type |
D2f |
Convert double to float |
D2i |
Convert double to int |
D2l |
Convert double to long |
Dadd |
Add double |
Daload |
Load double from array |
Dastore |
Store into double array |
Dcmpg |
Compare double |
Dcmpl |
Compare double |
Dconst_0 |
Push double |
Dconst_1 |
Push double |
Ddiv |
Divide double |
Dload |
Load double from local variable |
Dload_0 |
Load double from local variable |
Dload_1 |
Load double from local variable |
Dload_2 |
Load double from local variable |
Dload_3 |
Load double from local variable |
Dmul |
Multiply double |
Dneg |
Negate double |
Drem |
Remainder double |
Dreturn |
Return double from method |
Dstore |
Store double into local variable |
Dstore_0 |
Store double into local variable |
Dstore_1 |
Store double into local variable |
Dstore_2 |
Store double into local variable |
Dstore_3 |
Store double into local variable |
Dsub |
Subtract double |
Dup |
Duplicate the top operand stack value |
Dup_x1 |
Duplicate the top operand stack value and insert two values down |
Dup_x2 |
Duplicate the top operand stack value and insert two or three values down |
Dup2 |
Duplicate the top one or two operand stack values |
Dup2_x1 |
Duplicate the top one or two operand stack values and insert two or three values down |
Dup2_x2 |
Duplicate the top one or two operand stack values and insert two, three, or four values down |
F2d |
Convert float to double |
F2i |
Convert float to int |
F2l |
Convert float to long |
Fadd |
Add float |
Faload |
Load float from array |
Fastore |
Store into float array |
Fcmpg |
Compare float |
Fcmpl |
Compare float |
Fconst_0 |
Push float |
Fconst_1 |
Push float |
Fconst_2 |
Push float |
Fdiv |
Divide float |
Fload |
Load float from local variable |
Fload_0 |
Load float from local variable |
Fload_1 |
Load float from local variable |
Fload_2 |
Load float from local variable |
Fload_3 |
Load float from local variable |
Fmul |
Multiply float |
Fneg |
Negate float |
Frem |
Remainder float |
Freturn |
Return float from method |
Fstore |
Store float into local variable |
Fstore_0 |
Store float into local variable |
Fstore_1 |
Store float into local variable |
Fstore_2 |
Store float into local variable |
Fstore_3 |
Store float into local variable |
Fsub |
Subtract float |
Getfield |
Fetch field from object |
Getstatic |
Get static field from class |
Goto |
Branch always |
Goto_w |
Branch always (wide index) |
I2b |
Convert int to byte |
I2c |
Convert int to char |
I2d |
Convert int to double |
I2f |
Convert int to float |
I2l |
Convert int to long |
I2s |
Convert int to short |
Iadd |
Add int |
Iaload |
Load int from array |
Iand |
Boolean AND int |
Iastore |
Store into int array |
Iconst_0 |
Push int constant |
Iconst_1 |
Push int constant |
Iconst_2 |
Push int constant |
Iconst_3 |
Push int constant |
Iconst_4 |
Push int constant |
Iconst_5 |
Push int constant |
Iconst_m1 |
Push int constant |
Idiv |
Divide int |
If_acmpeq |
Branch if reference comparison succeeds |
If_acmpne |
Branch if reference comparison succeeds |
If_icmpeq |
Branch if int comparison succeeds |
If_icmpge |
Branch if int comparison succeeds |
If_icmpgt |
Branch if int comparison succeeds |
If_icmple |
Branch if int comparison succeeds |
If_icmplt |
Branch if int comparison succeeds |
If_icmpne |
Branch if int comparison succeeds |
Ifeq |
Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds |
Ifge |
Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds |
Ifgt |
Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds |
Ifle |
Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds |
Iflt |
Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds |
Ifne |
Branch if int comparison with zero succeeds |
Ifnonnull |
Branch if reference not null |
Ifnull |
Branch if reference is null |
Iinc |
Increment local variable by constant |
Iload |
Load int from local variable |
Iload_0 |
Load int from local variable |
Iload_1 |
Load int from local variable |
Iload_2 |
Load int from local variable |
Iload_3 |
Load int from local variable |
Imul |
Multiply int |
Ineg |
Negate int |
Instanceof |
Determine if object is of given type |
Instruction |
Invokeinterface |
Invoke interface method |
Invokespecial |
Invoke instance method; special handling for superclass, private, and instance initialization method invocations |
Invokestatic |
Invoke a class (static) method |
Invokevirtual |
Invoke instance method; dispatch based on class |
Ior |
Boolean OR int |
Irem |
Remainder int |
Ireturn |
Return int from method |
Ishl |
Shift left int |
Ishr |
Arithmetic shift right int |
Istore |
Store int into local variable |
Istore_0 |
Store int into local variable |
Istore_1 |
Store int into local variable |
Istore_2 |
Store int into local variable |
Istore_3 |
Store int into local variable |
Isub |
Subtract int |
Iushr |
Logical shift right int |
Ixor |
Boolean XOR int |
Jsr |
Jump subroutine |
Jsr_w |
Jump subroutine (wide index) |
L2d |
Convert long to double |
L2f |
Convert long to float |
L2i |
Convert long to int |
Ladd |
Add long |
Laload |
Load long from array |
Land |
Boolean AND long |
Lastore |
Store into long array |
Lcmp |
Compare long |
Lconst_0 |
Push long constant |
Lconst_1 |
Push long constant |
Ldc |
Push item from runtime constant pool |
Ldc_w |
Push item from runtime constant pool (wide index) |
Ldc2_w |
Push long or double from runtime constant pool (wide index) |
Ldiv |
Divide long |
Lload |
Load long from local variable |
Lload_0 |
Load long from local variable |
Lload_1 |
Load long from local variable |
Lload_2 |
Load long from local variable |
Lload_3 |
Load long from local variable |
Lmul |
Multiply long |
Lneg |
Negate long |
Lookupswitch |
Access jump table by key match and jump |
Lor |
Boolean OR long |
Lrem |
Remainder long |
Lreturn |
Return long from method |
Lshl |
Shift left |
Lshr |
Arithmetic shift right long |
Lstore |
Store long into local variable |
Lstore_0 |
Store long into local variable |
Lstore_1 |
Store long into local variable |
Lstore_2 |
Store long into local variable |
Lstore_3 |
Store long into local variable |
Lsub |
Subtract long |
Lushr |
Logical shift right long |
Lxor |
Boolean XOR long |
Monitorenter |
Enter monitor for object |
Monitorexit |
Exit monitor for object |
Multianewarray |
Create new multidimensional array |
New |
Create new object |
Newarray |
Create new array |
Nop |
Do nothing |
Parser |
Pop |
Pop the top operand stack value |
Pop2 |
Pop the top one or two operand stack values |
Putfield |
Set field in object |
Putstatic |
Set static field in class |
Ret |
Return from subroutine |
Return |
Return void from method |
Saload |
Load short from array |
Sastore |
Store into short array |
Scanner |
Sipush |
Push short |
Swap |
Swap the top two operand stack values |
Tableswitch |
Access jump table by index and jump |
Wide |
Extend local variable index by additional bytes |